28 Oct To Reserve or Not to Reserve…
This is an interesting subject from both a marketing and events perspective. Many new restaurants decide to take the “no reservation policy”, which seems to create a desire for people to try the new restaurant and naturally, a waiting list is formed. But from an events perspective, it’s a logistical nightmare. In many cases it limits events agencies booking the restaurant for their clients, so why do they do it we ask?
A wise man once told us, a queue forms a queue. This is true. If you see someone queuing you instantly think, wow that must be worth waiting for? At Burger and Lobster it is not unusual to wait for over 2 hours to get a table – however, we must say that the standard of food and the dining experience means the queue time is usually worth it.
So from a marketing perspective it creates an air of excitement. The only word of warning is that if you don’t exceed expectations after the hungry guest has waited two hours, you will not only disappoint but be in danger of a bad review and a customer that won’t return.
Our suggestion is that should you be one of these elusive restaurants that have a no reservation policy, please create an amazing bar for people to wait in!
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